Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Ice floe game Activity 1 The game takes place in a virtual situation: the learners have survived the sinking of their ship in the Arctic Sea. Now everyone is standing on an ice floe (chair). There is only one free chair that can be moved. All the learners have to be evacuated to save ground/island (represented by – e.g. – a table). cooperation warming up activity communication decision making Communication 25’ Action 2 Donuts Activity 2 The learners stand in 2 circles in pairs and talk to each other about given moral dilemmas (e.g.: do animals have rights? Should we experiment on animals? What about euthanasia? … ). They exchange ideas in 1 minute and repeat it 3 times with 3 different topics. After they sit back in one big circle and discuss the 3 topics. communication agreement solution making Decision making 35’ Action 3 Waiting for a heart Activity 3 The teacher has a characterization of 5 persons (e.g. 40-yr-old doctor; 12-yr-old learner; 36-yr-old mother -> see page 5) the learners experience decision making Problem solving 60’