Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Waiting for a heart 1. Helen Helen is a 34-yr-old housewife. The mother of 4 children: the youngest is 7 months old, the oldest is 8. Her hobbies are skating and cooking. She lives in Gloucester in a big detached house. It is known that she has a secret love affair with Owen. 2. Tozo Tozo is a 19-yr-old girl, university learner at Keele University, majoring in sociology. She is the daughter of rich entrepreneurs living in Tokyo. Tozo is single but very attractive. She recently starred in a TV show about Japanese women and ceramics. 3. Jobe Jobe is 41 years old and he was born in Africa. He is a minister of religions sacrificing his whole life to the social and political wellbeing of African people. Jobe is the member of the communist party and he has visited China a couple of times in the past years. He is married and father of 11 children (6-11 years old). In his free time he likes playing in a jazz group. 4. Owen Owen is 27 years old, single. He did his military service partly in Northern Ireland where as a secret agent he unveiled an IRA-unit. For this he received and award. Returning to his civil life he couldn’t find his path and have problems with alcohol. He is a head of a scouts group and he sacrifices great deal of his energy to help youngsters. He is also the leader of hiking trips. 5. Paul Paul is a 42-year-old divorcee. His ex-wife remarried and lives in a happy union with her husband. He was born in Scotland but now he lives in Richmond. Paul works as a doctor in Hammersmith Hospital where he researches the antidote of rabies. He is a well-known and reputable representative of the field. Recently he has formed a treatment with the help of which patients can self-treat. The majority of his researches are not published. He is a bit of a temper-tantrum guy for which he has had cases with the police in the past couple of years. His hobbies consist of classical music, opera and sailing. 6. Edward Edward is 59 years old, he has lived in Barnsley for most of his life. He is the director of a firm producing rubber bands. The firm gives work for 71 people. He is a reputable member of the local community. Married, father of two children who have their own families and already moved from home. Edward just signed a contract with another firm the outcome of which would be that he would be able to provide job for another 25 people. He collects guns. After retirement he would like to write a book on the weapons of the civil war.