Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Activity 3 The learners can now ask any questions, and the teacher encourages them to share their opinions about what they have seen on the videos, based on personal experiences, if it is the case and they feel comfortable in doing so. 7’ Action 2 Creation of Women wallcharts Activity 4 The teacher asks whether they know women from all times who stand out for different reasons. After a brief brainstorming and out of a list of suggested women, learners use different sources (encyclopaedia, magazines, books …) to look for information on these women. On a piece of card, they design a basic fact file of every women they find: name, birth, nationality, short lifestory, why she stands out for. [Supporting pictures and drawings can be added to the factfile]. Activity 5 On another piece of card, each learner writes now a short text, similar to the one in Activity 4, this time referring to a woman who is important for them (mother, daughter, friend…) , explaining the reasons why. [They can also add supporting drawings to these cards]. To learn about women who have changed and influenced historical moments. To raise awareness about how women can be as succesful as men in different fields of knowledge and action. Learning to learn Communication in the hosting national language Teamwork Planning and resource management Critical thinking Reflecting Creativity 30’ 10’