Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 [Optional: Next activity could be feasible in those institutions where there is a Women’s section. The aim is to compare the wallcharts made by men and women and reflect on the results. Ideally, we could have men and women visiting each other’s sections to see the wa llcharts on display; otherwise, wallcharts could be interchanged for a while in each section. At the end of the sequence, and after comparing the different roles reflected on the men and women wallcharts, a discussion should be started to encourage learners to contribute to change situations of inequity regarding gender roles at home]. Activity 4 After handing out pieces of cards and white sheets, the teacher asks the learners to draw themselves (or write a short text, or both) performing the action/s they usually carry out at home relating housework and family matters. With the resulting productions, they make up a wallchart that could be titled « Our roles at home »] 60 ’ (plus extra time needed for comparing differences in men and women wallcharts and further reflection) Action 2 Creation of Women wallcharts Activity 5 The teacher asks whether they know women from all times who stand out for different reasons. After a brief brainstorming, learners use different sources (encyclopedia, magazines, books …) to look for information on these women. On a piece of card, they design a fact file of every women they find: name, birth, nationality, short storytelling, why she stands out for. Supporting pictures and drawings can be added to the fact file. To learn about women who have changed and influenced historical moments. Learning to learn Communication in the hosting national language 40 ’