Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 4 Collection of materials Activity 10 Learners select information from various sources provided by the teacher coming from magazines, legal texts, newspapers, etc. dealing with gender equity. They cut out their findings and stick them onto a piece of white paper roll to make a collage shaping the symbols under the title « Gender equity in the media ». Here are some examples of texts and news that could be used : + https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu /agencies/eige_en +https://el pais.com/elpais/2017/06/07/opinion/1496837186_189902.html [Spanish] // https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/01/facebook-shareholders- r eject-proposal-for-gender-pay-equity-report/ [English] +http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/women-pay-gap- penalty-become-mothers-parents-gender-equality-workplace-income-job- a7508611.html +http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/law/index_en.htm To read and analyze the content of different texts for a proper selection of material to be displayed in a wallchart. Learning to learn Communication in the hosting national language Teamwork Planning and resource management Intercultural communication Autonomy Evaluating Critical thinking 120 ’ Action 5 Drafting of legal code Activity 11 Learners make up new laws and regulations which reflect the treatment of equity gender within the occupational, social, sports, family… fields. Activity 12 A member representing each group will present their proposal of new laws to the rest of the class. Activity 13 To show creativity and commitment by making up new rules and principles that could contribute to avoid gender Learning to learn Communication in the hosting national language Social and civic competence Teamwork 60 ’ 30 ’ 40 ’