Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 3 Social distance game Activity 3 Each participant gets a character (e.g. Roma mother with two kids; Son of an immigrant; Wealthy Chinese manager; Hungarian prostitute; Daughter of a French minister; characters may vary). Teacher has a list of statement (e.g.: I have the opportunity to travel abroad for two weeks each summer; I don’t have to be afraid of the violation of my rights; I have internet access in my flat; etc.) Learners have to form a straight line, teacher starts reading the statements. To the statements those step one ahead if they think the statement could be right to them. After the activity the group sees the whereabouts of the others and talk about how they felt, feel. experience what it’s like to be left behind sensitivity informative task intercultural competences sensitivity social and civic competences 60’ Action 4 Movie clips (e.g. from Crash) Activity 4 Teacher chooses clips from, for example, the movie Crash (e.g.: the locksmith and the Persian; the policeman and the woman; the Spanish cleaning lady and the minister). After seeing the clips the group elaborates on the causes of prejudices, stereotypes, etc. sensitivity informative task intercultural competences sensitivity social and civic competences communication critical thinking 60’