Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Activity 4 Once the grid is done, the learners in two sub-groups will imagine the positioning of public institutions in places and places identified on the map by sets letter / figure for which they will draw up a list. Then, exchanging the 2 cards, each sub-group will position using the list, the public institutions on the map of the city using the drawn / pasted cards (activity 2). 45 ’ Action 3 Summary / Synthesis Activity 5 A worksheet with pictures of the institutions on the left side and explanations on the right (location, functions, …) and the learners have to match them for the ones in difficulty. Alternative: the learners can also answer questions prepared by the group about the various institutions. Be able to know how to get in touch with them Communication Autonomy 30’ Action 4 Riddles Activity 6 Each learner will choose the role of a public person (judge, firefighter, mayor, teacher, postman, ...) that he will present to the group in plenary session; it is then up to the group to identify the role played by the apprentice player. Be able to know about their roles Be able to identify who’s who when you need information Communication Intercultural communication 60’