Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 SUBJECT/AREA Mechanisms in society With crossed disciplines Sociology , Social Studies, Communication, Philosophy Activity Title Even Robinson Crusoe has his Friday ABSTRACT The term social mechanisms and mechanism-based explanations of social phenomenon originate from the p hilosophy of s cience. Social mechanisms make effective control in social life. In this course learners will learn social mechanisms in the prison. These activities include 2 sequences and 6 activities in totally 4 hours. Debate, questions-answers and role play techniques (in case of bantering, the trainer may change the role play activity with another pair or group work) will be used. As an outcome they will make a conclusion. KEY WORDS Social, mechanism, society, norms, greetings, communication, respect, listen, help GOALS / OBJECTIVES 1 - Be able to respect the each other 2 - Be able to help the each other 3 - Be able to know opportunities about social life 4- Be able to know being social in prison Room Organization Table, seats, teacher, among learners Type of ACTIVITIES Question and answer, Debate, Video,