Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Activity 3: Role Model To introduce ourselves, make a role play. - One learner goes out and tries to introduce himself/herself like above example. - Make a Roleplay regarding employment interview with learners. 60 ’ Action 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJJa9f0I8XQ Activity 4: Debate What do you think about this video? What is your opinion? Would you like share your experiences regarding this video? Activity 5 Learners drawing themselves doing the activity day in next week. As example : I’m pla nning to order a coffee for my friends because he has not enough money for a coffee but he likes it very much. Activity 6: Conclusion Regarding introducing yourself, helping, communication skills …etc., learners create a slogan and write in post its and put in the flipcharts. To be know helping to others Learning to learn 30 ’ 30 ’ 30 ’