Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 SUBJECT/AREA Religious facts With crossed disciplines History of religions, philosophy, theology Activity Title My Religion, Your Religion ABSTRACT Getting know through each other religion through the religious objects and places in prison. To mobilize the learners to be able to present information about their religion in order to respect each other and accepting the differences in and out of the cells, the trainer has to do some preparations such as photos or books before the lesson. KEY WORDS religion, ethics, golden rules, worship, retribution GOALS / OBJECTIVES 1 - Be able to aware ethics of your own and communities religion 2 - Be able to explain to the religion facts to someone who not follow other/any religion 3 - Be able to respect other religions Room Organization seats in circle with round tables Type of ACTIVITIES sharing experiences relating religious facts, religious presentations to learners of the religion (exp. main characters, key believes), and conversation (how did you feel?) get to word to express what he/she got from the conversation, religious chronological facts of the main religions exciting in the prison / presentation done by the teacher leading the activity (parallel timeline with different religions)