Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Analyse headings Activity 1 Debate - Where do you usually look for information? - What are the differences between T.V., newspapers and internet? - What are the different headings in a newspaper? Activity 2 Questionnaire: the teacher asks learners to find information in a newspaper (several copies of the same newspaper can be brought by the trainer as they may not get a newspaper in prison) Activity 3 Compare how the same subject has been treated in another newspaper. Listen and respect each other, expression of their own opinion How to find an information, get new vocabulary. Be able to distinct different points of view Critical thinking Communication 20 min 20 min 20 min Action 2 What do pictures tell us? Activity 4 Teacher shows several pictures with different framings and asks learners to describe and analyze what they see Teacher ask for each picture to find a title Be able to understand that a picture shows the point of view of the photographer and is a part of a global context Understand how title and point of view can influence the viewers Critical thinking 60 min