Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Research Activity 1 Finding information on famous women in newspapers, magazines and on the internet and collecting pictures and texts to be used later on Activity 2 Classify to which sectors of public life these women belong to Activity 3 The teacher writes the sectors on the blackboard / whiteboard / flipchart. Learners define the sectors that are going to be worked on. - learn about important women in society - learn about the different sectors of public life Social and civic skills Learning to learn Communication in the hosting country´s language Communication Teamwork Critical thinking Creativity 45 min Action 2 Creating posters Activity 4 Every group is now responsible for one section of public life and gets all the material that was collected so far. The groups create a poster, giving information about their topic and showing the most important women in this field. 45 min Action 3 Activity 5 The learners present the poster of their group. They tell the class what contribution the women they have chosen made to their field. - speaking in front of the class in the hosting country´s Communication in the hosting country´s language 30 min