CITI-VAL Analysis of collected data

CITI-VAL PROJECT / ERASMUS+ 2016-1-FR01-KA204- 023961 / MARTA FEKETE – JUDIT HEGEDUS (HUNGARY) 8 SPAIN What concerns citizenship values’ education we evaluated 3 Spanish questionnaires with a total number of 579 participants, out of which there were 343 under 25 male, 181 above 25 male, 33 under 25 female, 22 above 25 female. The goals and objectives of the Spanish courses were to acquire civic and moral values, to respect each other (each other’s speaking time), to fight prejudices, to encourage non -violent attitudes to be able to resolve conflict peacefully. Art therapy is also present here as the Spanish inmates had to paint a wall picture with the symbolic meaning of world peace or they could get acquainted with each other’s cultures and traditions in the Christmas traditions seminar. This proved to be a successful theme and course (90% finishing the course). As for grouping mostly individual and group work are represented in Spain and as for course type most of these trainings are active, interdisciplinary and discovery-based, with a high number of students finishing the courses. For didactic and material resources the Spanish professionals use DIY/handicraft equipment (glue, cards, pen, ornaments, ribbon, etc) and books, films, wall charts, digital material. The professionals working with the inmates were teachers in all cases, but occasionally other professionals, such as psychologists, social workers, therapists, prison staff and social educators, have supported the teachers, regarding the organization of courses or participation. 343 181 33 22 0 100 200 300 400 <25M >25M <25F >25F Number of learners