CITI-VAL Analysis of collected data

CITI-VAL PROJECT / ERASMUS+ 2016-1-FR01-KA204- 023961 / MARTA FEKETE – JUDIT HEGEDUS (HUNGARY) 2 THE QUESTIONNAIRE The aim of the questionnaire was to collect good and inspiring practices country-wise first to gather information about already existing training methods and elements and how they are executed in the member countries’ prisons and to serve as inspiration to the creation of a new methodology and second to collect The questionnaire included the following items: - personal data / data of the respondent: country, institution, whether a course belongs to an NGO, prison staff, school centre, etc. - data of the program itself: title, whether it is state accredited, has quality assurance and impact assessment been provided, what competences the program is meant to work on, goals/objectives, topics to develop, student’s features, number of participants, course frequency - information of methodology: formal-informal-non formal, competence- or content-based, interdisciplinary, requires active participation, group formation (individual, pair, group work) - data of assessment if applicable: previous survey or follow-up, data of the participation of students, student satisfaction, teacher satisfaction, number of dropouts - the questionnaire also consisted a simplified SWOT-analysis: obstacles and threats.