ESM-YA Project

During a first period of two years (2011/2013), five organizations (CY – DE – ES – FR – TR) directly involved in education to sentenced minors (justice department, prisons, social welfare services for youngster,..) compared alternative measures to avoid prison sentences and to optimize conditions to develop education (ESM Project). Comments highlighted complex components such as antisocial behavior, violent postures, mental deficits,… that needed to be explored then solved before to want to bring education.
Three of the top five partners decided to submit a second project (ESM-YA Project) to investigate the various dimensions of the problem (cooperation between mental health and justice, non-violent communication and violence prevention, in/out bridges,...). To do so, the consortium has been enriched with several organisms which could have some of the response (probation service, university college, juvenile justice, faculty of criminology, NGO to help socially excluded individuals).