Downloads - C2 Mainz (DE) 2018.03

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Name Keywords Creation date Downloads number
All courses list for data collection (IO1) None 369
Agenda C2 None 358
2018.03 Extremism and its challenges for the prison system None 341
C2 List of participants None 369
Some useful information for C2 activity None 358
First impressions of Bernkastel-Kues None 365
Announcement location GERMANY March 2018 None 342
2018.03 Synthetic dashboard of CITI-VAL educational sequences None 389
2018.03 Memory of C2-E5-M4-PSG4 and Action Notes None 394
Work agenda for C2 / E5 / M4 None 386
Some useful information for CITI-VAL C2 activity and M4 meeting None 403
Announcement location GERMANY March 2018 None 432
Information on Bernkastel, place we will stay for C2 None 405